Mount Whitney

21 miles / 6,647’ elevation gain / 3 days / 14,508’ summit


Mount Whitney not a starter mountain. It is the highest mountain in the lower 48 states and should only be done after you have properly trained for a mountain of its stature. It’s important to remember that climbing at altitude requires acclamation. It doesn’t matter what great shape you’re in, altitude can affect everyone in serious way. If you are able to summit this gorgeous mountain made of rock spires and trees, not only will it give you a feeling of accomplishment that will fuel your drive for the rest of the hike but, it proves you can start attempting some of the biggest mountains around the world. Mount Whitney’s trail takes you through dense, old growth forest, past beautiful alpine lakes, through a vast canyon surrounded by rocky fingers higher than any building on the planet. It’s like something out of a storybook. Of all the mountains I have climbed in my life, this is my favorite hike and I will do it again and again, each time learning something new about myself.


Mount San Jacinto