Mount San Jacinto

13.1 miles / 4,521 elevation gain / 12.5 hrs / 10,834 summit


Mount San Jacinto is a beautiful mountain. The trails on this masterpiece of nature were super steep but, the hike itself isn’t too long. The mountain was about 5 to 6 miles from the parking lot to the summit. However, I highly suggest taking two days to climb Mount San Jacinto because it is much more fun to take your time than rushing up and down. There’s so much to take in that a speed climb doesn’t do it justice. It’s also a really fun mountain to sleep on. Keep in mind, Mount San Jacinto’s only water source comes from snow melt. So, if you’re climbing spring/summer you’ll need extra water. If you’re climbing fall/winter you can use your water filter to get drinking water from the snow run off, or the snow itself. One of the coolest parts about San Jacinto is its summit. The very top is basically a pile of irregularly shaped boulders that you have to scramble up to reach the peak. Once there you are able to see a full 360 degree view from the LA basin to Palm Springs and beyond. This mountain was truly amazing. It’s luscious and untouched by modern tech and society. This mountain is best for hikers who have built up their endurance. It’s a lot of elevation gain in a short period of time but, if you’re able to complete it the effort is entirely worth your while.


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