About Me


About Me

Hi! I’m Lochlan, and i’ve made this website to help new hikers understand the basic, and more advanced rules to hiking. It’s not all just walking on a trail you know. From gear to food I have tried to put everything I know about hiking into this website. I started hiking when I was 3 1/2 thats just about 9 1/2 years ago. Since you’re reading this right now I assume you’re not 3 1/2 and if you are, congratulations you are a genius and will be the next Albert Einstein. I’m 13 years old and live in the sunny state of California, witch almost always has perfect conditions for hiking. My hiking experience has been truly memorable from the start. And I couldn't have had these opportunities without my Dad. He has pushed me to reach for the summit, and to always try my best even if I fail. I believe that failure paths the path to success. This truly follows my hiking experience because I did fail, but I never let it get me down. Over time I gradually started hiking bigger mountains and even failed Mount Baldy twice before I finally summited. That failure made the victory even more rewarding. I know first hand the feeling of success when summiting a mountain. The wind, the sun, the beauty. Of course my hiking experience will be different than yours, I happened to love mine. And even if you fail, at least you tried. But I promise it is worth it. Trust me.