Mount Wilson

15.3 miles / 4,610’ elevation gain / 11 hrs / 5730’ summit


We showed up at Mt. Wilson with the goal to complete it in one day. It’s a 15 mile loop so it was a bit ambitious. The hike is not technically difficult or challenging, simply long with no specific place where you can just pitch a tent. The hike is scattered with beautiful waterfalls, babbling brooks, foot bridges and forest canopies. Although these days, I’m not entirely sure what is left of all of that after the most recent California fires. Mount Wilson is home to the Mount Wilson Observatory that you can actually drive to but it’s a lot more fun to earn the victory of seeing the observatory when you reach the summit by foot. Another treat that comes with the summit is the observatory restaurant where we dined on hot dogs and apple pie before soaking in the views and heading back down.


Big Pine